Mastering the Duo, A Comprehensive Guide to Handling Yumi and Kitty in League of Legends

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – In the vibrant realm of League of Legends, where champions clash in epic battles, a dynamic duo emerges: Yumi and Kitty. This guide delves into the intricacies of handling these extraordinary characters, unlocking their synergies and empowering players to dominate the Rift.

Yumi, the Magical Cat, possesses a unique ability to attach herself to an ally, enhancing their abilities with magical bolts and healing. Kitty, her loyal feline companion, provides mobility, crowd control, and a formidable presence in team fights.


In the realm of League of Legends, Yumi Sin and Kitty are two inseparable companions who share a unique bond. Yumi, a magical cat with the ability to attach herself to allies, grants them shields, heals, and additional damage. Kitty, on the other hand, is a mystical feline spirit that empowers Yumi with increased movement speed and damage.

Together, they form a formidable duo that can outplay opponents with their synergistic abilities.


Yumi and Kitty’s relationship transcends the typical pet-owner dynamic. They are intertwined in a symbiotic partnership, each enhancing the other’s strengths. Yumi relies on Kitty for mobility and damage amplification, while Kitty depends on Yumi for sustenance and protection. Their bond is so strong that they can even share health and experience, making them a formidable force on the battlefield.

Yumi’s Abilities

Yumi’s abilities are designed to enhance Kitty’s combat prowess and provide utility to the team. Her abilities include Prowling Projectile, Bop ‘n’ Block, Zoomies, and Final Chapter: Magical Catnip.

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Yumi’s abilities synergize with Kitty by enhancing Kitty’s damage, mobility, and survivability. For example, Prowling Projectile can be used to harass enemies from a distance, while Bop ‘n’ Block can be used to interrupt enemy abilities or shield Kitty from damage.

Prowling Projectile

  • Fires a piercing arrow that deals damage to the first enemy hit.
  • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 60

Prowling Projectile is Yumi’s primary harassment tool. It can be used to poke enemies from a distance, clear waves, or secure kills.

Bop ‘n’ Block

  • Dashes forward, knocking back and damaging enemies in her path.
  • Cooldown: 12 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 70

Bop ‘n’ Block is a versatile ability that can be used for both offense and defense. It can be used to engage on enemies, escape from danger, or interrupt enemy abilities.


  • Grants Kitty increased movement speed and attack speed.
  • Cooldown: 18 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 80

Zoomies is a powerful buff that can help Kitty chase down enemies, escape from danger, or shred through enemy defenses.

Final Chapter: Magical Catnip

  • Summons a magical catnip that heals and empowers Kitty and her allies.
  • Cooldown: 120 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 100

Final Chapter: Magical Catnip is a game-changing ultimate that can turn the tide of battle. It provides a powerful heal and buff to Kitty and her allies, making them more difficult to kill and increasing their damage output.

Kitty’s Abilities: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

Kitty is Yumi’s companion, a feline spirit that aids her in battle with various abilities. Kitty’s abilities complement Yumi’s gameplay, enhancing her mobility, damage output, and survivability.

Kitty’s primary ability is her passive, Prowling Projectile. This ability allows Yumi to attach Kitty to an allied champion, granting them bonus movement speed and the ability to fire magic projectiles that deal damage to enemies.

Prowling Projectile

When Kitty is attached to an allied champion, Yumi can activate Prowling Projectileto fire a magic projectile that deals damage to enemies hit. The projectile’s damage scales with Yumi’s attack damage and ability power.

You and Me!

Kitty’s You and Me!ability allows Yumi to swap places with her attached ally. This ability can be used to reposition Yumi safely or to engage in combat from a different angle.

Final Chapter

Kitty’s ultimate ability, Final Chapter, is a powerful channeled spell that deals damage to enemies in a large area. The damage dealt by Final Chapterscales with Yumi’s ability power and the number of allied champions attached to Kitty.

Synergies between Yumi and Kitty

Yumi and Kitty, the dual force of the League of Legends universe, possess a harmonious fusion of abilities that elevates their effectiveness on the battlefield. Their symbiotic connection grants them unparalleled advantages, making them a formidable duo to face.

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Yumi’s support capabilities seamlessly intertwine with Kitty’s agile offense, creating a lethal combination that leaves opponents vulnerable. Let’s delve into the key synergies that make Yumi and Kitty an unstoppable force:

Yumi’s Abilities Enhancing Kitty’s Offense

Yumi’s “You and Me!” ability empowers Kitty with increased attack damage, allowing her to shred through enemy defenses with ease. This synergy amplifies Kitty’s already formidable claws, turning her into a deadly feline that can tear apart even the most formidable foes.

Moreover, Yumi’s “Final Chapter” ultimate ability provides Kitty with bonus armor and magic resistance, making her a resilient fighter on the frontlines. With Yumi’s protection, Kitty can dive into the heart of the battle, unleashing her fury without fear of retaliation.

Kitty’s Abilities Assisting Yumi’s Support, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Kitty’s “Bounding Shield” ability creates a shield that not only protects Yumi but also grants her bonus movement speed. This synergy enables Yumi to quickly reposition herself, dodging enemy attacks and effectively applying her heals and shields to allies.

Furthermore, Kitty’s “Tumble” ability provides a valuable escape mechanism for both herself and Yumi. By jumping over obstacles, Kitty can swiftly remove them from danger, ensuring their survival and allowing them to continue their support and offensive efforts.

Itemization for Yumi and Kitty

Yumi and Kitty, the dynamic duo of League of Legends, have unique abilities and synergies that make them a formidable force on the battlefield. To maximize their potential, choosing the optimal item build is crucial.

Yumi’s Itemization

Yumi, the magical cat, excels as a support champion. Her abilities revolve around enhancing her allies’ attacks and providing protection. Therefore, her item build should focus on amplifying these capabilities.* Moonstone Renewer:This mythic item grants Yumi bonus healing and shielding power, enhancing her ability to keep her team alive.

Staff of Flowing Water

This item provides Yumi with increased ability haste and movement speed, allowing her to cast more spells and reposition herself more effectively.

Ardent Censer

This item grants Yumi’s allies bonus attack speed and on-hit damage, synergizing well with her ability to attach to her allies and amplify their damage.

Kitty’s Itemization

Kitty, Yumi’s loyal companion, is a formidable fighter in her own right. Her abilities deal significant damage and provide crowd control. Her item build should enhance her offensive capabilities and durability.* Kraken Slayer:This mythic item grants Kitty bonus attack speed and true damage on every third attack, significantly increasing her damage output.

Blade of the Ruined King

This item provides Kitty with bonus attack speed, lifesteal, and a passive that reduces her enemies’ movement speed, making it easier for her to chase down targets.

Death’s Dance

This item grants Kitty bonus armor, ability haste, and a passive that converts some of the damage she takes into a bleed effect over time, increasing her survivability in extended fights.

Laning Phase Strategies

During the laning phase, Yumi and Kitty excel at zoning and harassing opponents with their abilities. Yumi’s Prowling Projectile can poke enemy champions from a safe distance, while Kitty’s Falling Feathers provides constant damage over time.Utilizing Yumi’s Q ability, attach to an ally champion to gain bonus movement speed and shield them from incoming damage.

This allows Yumi to engage or disengage from trades quickly and efficiently. Kitty’s W ability, Feline Grace, grants her allies increased movement speed and attack speed, making it easier to chase down opponents or escape from ganks.

Pressuring Opponents

Yumi and Kitty can apply constant pressure on the opposing lane by poking with their abilities. Yumi’s Q ability deals significant damage over time, while Kitty’s W ability slows and damages enemies. This constant harassment forces opponents to either stay back or risk losing health.

By zoning opponents away from minions, Yumi and Kitty can gain a significant gold and experience advantage in the early game.

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Sustaining in Lane

Yumi’s W ability, You and Me!, heals her attached ally. This allows her to sustain in lane and recover from trades. Kitty’s E ability, Cat’s Cradle, heals her allies for a small amount of health. Additionally, Yumi’s ultimate ability, Final Chapter, grants her attached ally bonus health and damage, making them more durable in extended trades.

Team Fight Positioning

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Positioning is paramount for Yumi and Kitty to excel in team fights. Yumi’s ability to attach to allies grants her mobility and safety, while Kitty provides ranged harass and crowd control. Understanding their optimal positioning allows them to maximize their impact while minimizing their vulnerability.

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Yumi’s Positioning

Yumi should prioritize attaching to a frontline champion or a carry with high damage output. This allows her to contribute with her heals, shields, and damage amplification while being protected by her ally. She should position herself behind her target, allowing her to cast her abilities freely and avoid being the primary focus of enemy attacks.

Kitty’s Positioning

Kitty excels at poking from a safe distance. She should position herself in the backline, utilizing her range and crowd control to harass enemy carries. Kitty’s Prowling Projectile can provide vision and engage opportunities, allowing her to control the battlefield and set up kills.

Her ultimate, Final Chapter, can peel for allies or secure objectives, making her a valuable asset in team fights.

Countering Yumi and Kitty

Countering the formidable duo of Yumi and Kitty requires a multifaceted approach that exploits their strengths and vulnerabilities. By understanding their playstyle and identifying their weaknesses, teams can develop effective strategies to neutralize their impact.

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Yumi and Kitty’s primary strengths lie in their ability to sustain and empower their allies through Yumi’s healing and Kitty’s shields. Additionally, Yumi’s ultimate, “Final Chapter,” provides a substantial damage boost, making them a potent threat in team fights.

Exploiting Vulnerabilities

To counter Yumi and Kitty, teams should focus on disrupting their synergy and exploiting their vulnerabilities. This can be achieved through several strategies:

  • Target Yumi:Yumi is the primary source of healing and damage amplification for the duo. By targeting and eliminating her, teams can significantly reduce their overall effectiveness.
  • Isolate Kitty:Kitty’s shields provide protection for Yumi and her allies. By isolating Kitty and preventing her from attaching to Yumi, teams can break the duo’s sustain and damage amplification.
  • Crowd Control:Yumi and Kitty are relatively immobile champions. Crowd control abilities, such as stuns, slows, and knock-ups, can disrupt their positioning and prevent them from effectively utilizing their abilities.
  • Anti-Heal:Anti-heal items and abilities can significantly reduce the effectiveness of Yumi’s healing and Kitty’s shields. By applying these effects, teams can limit their sustain and make them more vulnerable to damage.
  • Ward Vision:Yumi and Kitty often rely on stealth and surprise attacks. Maintaining good ward vision can help teams detect their movements and prepare for potential engagements.

By employing these strategies, teams can effectively counter the Yumi and Kitty duo and minimize their impact on the game.

Advanced Techniques

To maximize the potential of Yumi and Kitty, mastering advanced techniques is crucial. These techniques enhance their damage output, mobility, and survivability, enabling them to dominate the battlefield.

Chain Attachment

Yumi can attach Kitty to multiple targets in rapid succession, chaining her attachments. This technique maximizes her healing and shielding potential, providing sustained support to her allies. To execute the chain attachment, quickly attach Kitty to one target, detach, and immediately attach her to another.

Dive and Attach

By attaching Kitty to an ally with a mobility spell, Yumi can extend her range and engage in surprise attacks. This technique allows her to reach isolated enemies or initiate team fights with unexpected aggression. Coordinate with your ally to dive onto a target and quickly attach Kitty for maximum impact.

Defensive Positioning

Positioning Kitty strategically can absorb enemy abilities and protect Yumi. Place Kitty in front of her to block skill shots or absorb damage from melee attackers. This technique enhances Yumi’s survivability and allows her to continue providing support without interruption.

Double Attach

Yumi can attach Kitty to two allies simultaneously, doubling her healing and shielding output. This technique is particularly effective during team fights or when multiple allies require immediate support. Coordinate with your team to ensure maximum benefit from the double attach.


By mastering the intricate interplay between Yumi and Kitty, players can unleash their true potential, dominating the laning phase, positioning themselves strategically in team fights, and countering opponents with precision. This comprehensive guide equips players with the knowledge and techniques to conquer the Rift with this extraordinary duo.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key strengths of Yumi and Kitty?

Their ability to attach to allies, enhance abilities, and provide crowd control makes them a formidable duo in both laning and team fights.

How should Yumi and Kitty be positioned in team fights?

Yumi should prioritize attaching to a high-priority ally, while Kitty should focus on disrupting enemy positioning and protecting her from harm.

What items are essential for Yumi and Kitty?

Items that enhance Yumi’s healing and damage, such as Moonstone Renewer and Ardent Censer, are crucial. Kitty benefits from items that increase her mobility and utility, such as Zeke’s Convergence and Knight’s Vow.

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About the Author: Jason